Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel. Isaiah 7:14

Fundación Emmanuel give thanks to God for the opportunity He has given us to share Christmas gifts, during 5 years with more than 1,000 children in Juba, South Sudan.

Kids in the area of Jebel Dinka 2, Juba, South Sudan

Giving to those who need it is not only part of duty, but of happiness.

Giving Smiles in the area of Hela Yedit, Juba, South Sudan.

We thank God for touching giving hearts that lovingly send their donations from different countries each year to give smiles through a Christmas Gift, sweets and snacks to the children of the Emmanuel Kids program, Generation of Change.

Thank God for the team of leaders who lovingly work for South Sudanese children.

May God continue blessing your life and your sources of provision to be able to support Giving Smiles on Christmas 2021.

Glory be to God!

Giving Smiles 2019

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6

Emmanuel Kids

Every year Fundación Emmanuel de Sudán del Sur with the help of fellows of the faith from Guatemala, Honduras, Spain and other countries; share in Christmas season gifts with around 1,200 kids in Juba the capital City of South Sudan.

True the gifts Fundación Emmanuel de Sudán del Sur shows how Jesus brought free salvation, peace and love to the world, to sinner, to the needy people.

We give thanks to God because a year more He allowed us to give more than 1,200 smiles.

He is so happy!

Glory be to God our provider.

Philippians 4:19

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2020

Jesus loves you!

A short message that continues changing so many lives.

Emmanuel Kids of South Sudan had been sharing the gospel through evangelistics marching around the communities of Juba, South Sudan.

Pastor James giving a message in English and brother Peter Garang making translation to Arabic Juba.

Romans 10:14

How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? 

As a fruit of this marching new people started to attend our Sunday Services and another of them believe in the message of Salvation through the example of the little ones.

Jebel Dinka 1, Juba, South Sudan

Romans 10:15

How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, who bring glad tidings of good things!”

May the Lord reign in the hearts of South Sudanese people, and let’s pray for a really peace can fill this wonderful country.

Planting Life

Trees are past, present and future life.

Sister Lily planting trees with the children from Lologo.

Trees are our friends which provide air and freshness to every human being. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1) He created everything perfect: sun, moon, stars, trees, animals, fish, but man gradually destroyed the beautiful creation of God, humanity have made logging a hobby that we forget that without trees soon we will be without oxygen and freshness; therefore we should not leave all the responsibility of reforestation only to governments or others institutions; the planet is ours and we must take care of it.

Brother Willis planting trees in Jebel Dinka 2.

That is why we have been learning at Emmanuel Kids in South Sudan, that we must love and respect what God has created “our planet”, and that love we will show by planting trees which represent hope for a better future.

Emmanuel Kids from Lologo.

Emmanuel Kids Generation of Change planted more than 40 trees in four communities of Juba the capital city of South Sudan in the homes of mostly non-believers and we had take the advantage of evangelize them and tell them that a tree represented the love of Jesus and Salvation which is free and it will bring us many more advantages and future blessings.

Together we are better.

As a result we have had more than 20 new people in the different churches, we thank God and we have in our hearts that it is our responsibility to take care of God’s creation. Let’s plant life, let’s change the world!

Brother James planting trees in Jebel Dinka 1.

Sonrisas de Oro

Shekina the happier girl.

Benditos niños los cuales me enseñan infinidad de lecciones, maravillosas criaturas sursudanesas que me enseñan a amar sin reservas, ángeles hermosos que sonríen aun en medio de problemas.

Blessed children who teach me countless lessons, wonderful South Sudanese creatures who teach me to love without reservation, beautiful angels who smile even in the midst of trouble.

Sonrisas que marcan el alma, cuando sus labios pronuncian estoy bien y veo a su alrededor me palpita tan fuerte el corazón y entiendo que no es que tanto tienes para ser feliz sino que tanto valoras lo que tienes y eres feliz.

Smiles that mark the soul, when their lips pronounced I’m fine, and I see their situation around, I understand that it doesn’t matter how much you have to be happy but what matter is how much you appreciate what you have and be happy with it.
Missionary Max Vásquez Jr. Sharing with Akol and Garang

Pequeñas criaturas que cuando toman tu mano puedes sentir el palpitar de su corazón entregándote toda su confianza.

Little creatures that when they take your hand you can feel the beating of their heart giving you all their trust.

Ángeles del cielo que sin importar lo poco que tengan lo comparten aun con el más desconocido, estrellas del cielo que adoran a su Creador sin absoluta duda de su existencia.

Angels of heaven, no matter how little they have, share it even with the most unknown person, precious jewels that worship their Creator without any doubt of their existence.
Emmanuela (left hand) and Tete (right hand) after Sunday Service.

Pequeños guerreros que sin importar la situación guardan esperanza de un futuro mejor. Esos son nuestros pequeños y brillantes sursudaneses.

Little warriors who, regardless of the situation, have hope for a better future. Those are our bright little South Sudanese Children.

The Beginning

South Sudan Bible Students. Picture by Fundacion Emmanuel de Sudan del Sur.

I have the privilege of writing the first post since I volunteered to support Fundacion Emmanuel de Sudan del Sur and test that both the website and the blog works properly.

But this is not about me, or about the tests, it’s about the youngest country in the world and the work that God is doing in this place through the missionaries, obedient servants to the call of God and my admiration for them even when I’m on the other side of the world.

The beginning, as I described in the title, was undoubtedly in the heart of God, who used the founder of Fundacion Emmanuel de Guatemala, Fausto Cebeira, a man of great vision and passion for the Lord to begin this work of love for the people of South Sudan, in need of economic resources, but also in need of the God of love who saves every soul, cleanses all sin and fills every empty heart.

This vision was extended to the missionaries who now work in South Sudan, whom I met in greater or lesser degree back in Guatemala and Honduras; I’m sure that years ago they never imagined obeying the Lord and his command in Matthew 28:27 thousands of miles away from the place where they were born, but the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable .

So, what’s left for us? Is it enough to admire the work of the Lord and the missionaries? It’s not! The love for God must move us, our faith apart from works is dead, I think the following quote of Andres Robert emphasizes everything “The first task that Jesus did after resurrecting; the only subject that occupied his mind during the forty days he spent with his disciples and the last thing he mentioned before ascending to heaven, was to teach, exhort and command the fulfillment of the divine plan of salvation”.

Let us appropriate the missionary vision of Christ, let’s expand the gospel, let’s help as much as we can, and if you can’t go, never stop praying the Lord for the missionaries who work today at Fundacion Emmanuel de Sudan del Sur, who as we read in Mark 8:34 they obeyed Jesus, they denied themselves, leaving their families or comforts, took up His cross and followed the footsteps of Jesus Christ, who, although He was God, for His love for us became a servant, humbled himself and was obedient to the point of death, therefore God highly exalted him and every tongue declares that Jesus Christ is the Lord.