Planting Life

Trees are past, present and future life.

Sister Lily planting trees with the children from Lologo.

Trees are our friends which provide air and freshness to every human being. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1) He created everything perfect: sun, moon, stars, trees, animals, fish, but man gradually destroyed the beautiful creation of God, humanity have made logging a hobby that we forget that without trees soon we will be without oxygen and freshness; therefore we should not leave all the responsibility of reforestation only to governments or others institutions; the planet is ours and we must take care of it.

Brother Willis planting trees in Jebel Dinka 2.

That is why we have been learning at Emmanuel Kids in South Sudan, that we must love and respect what God has created “our planet”, and that love we will show by planting trees which represent hope for a better future.

Emmanuel Kids from Lologo.

Emmanuel Kids Generation of Change planted more than 40 trees in four communities of Juba the capital city of South Sudan in the homes of mostly non-believers and we had take the advantage of evangelize them and tell them that a tree represented the love of Jesus and Salvation which is free and it will bring us many more advantages and future blessings.

Together we are better.

As a result we have had more than 20 new people in the different churches, we thank God and we have in our hearts that it is our responsibility to take care of God’s creation. Let’s plant life, let’s change the world!

Brother James planting trees in Jebel Dinka 1.

Claudia Pineda

Missionary of Fundacion Emmanuel de Sudan del Sur. How beautiful it is to serve the Lord!