“I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance. Matthew 9:13”

Revive the Spirit of the Child is an organization that works restoring lives of street kids and young former soldiers. RSC do help supplying the basic needs, as place to sleep, food, education with the objective to help those children to be part of the society again.
Some weeks ago some members of RSC team came to the headquarter of Emmanuel Foundation Ministries, requesting spiritual support to their children, as Emmanuel Foundation we accepted the request because that is our main purpose here in South Sudan to share Jesus’ love and help the needy as Jesus taught us.We went to the first meeting with the guys on 26 July, in the beginning of the meeting they were a little bit distant of us, but when we told them that we were there to be their friends they started to open their hearts to us, we had been playing with them different games guided by some volunteers of Emmanuel Foundation Team, Uzziel Dut, James Nguet and William Deng (Students of Emmanuel Biblical Institute).

Sister Lily shared a motivational message with them, brother Humberto shared a special message of the Bible too, after the preaching some of them received Jesus in their hearts. Brother Max gave them an encouragement and inform that we will be keep going one day per week to share with them The Word of God, everyone was happy.

In the time of prayer request someone rose up his hand and said: “Pray for us, so God can open our hearts to understand His will and Word”.
The day had been close with a futbol match, sweets and biscuits. So we enjoy the day a lot with those wonderful and talented guys.

First some of them received Jesus in their hearts, second to that we got new friends and new people to teach the Gospel, and third 13 of them visited one of our churches on Sunday’s service, we enjoy it together in God’s presence and many of them received really Jesus in their hearts. Glory be to God.

Let’s pray for everyone of them and also for us so God can gives us wisdom and ways for help them to growth spiritual, personal and social way.